Saturday, December 15, 2012


Welcome, voyeurs! I mean, isn't that what the blogosphere is all about - getting the chance to anonymously  peek into the minds and lives of other people? Normally I'm not a scoff-law and don't encourage subversive behavior. But, in this case, I say peep away!

If you're going to be a frequent visitor (which I really hope you will!), you should at least know who you're gawking at. Hi. My name is Andrea. I am (in no particular order):
  • a follower of Christ (by grace, working to become more like Him every day)
  • a wife (13 years and still madly in love)
  • a mom (to 3 amazing and very talkative girls)
  • a licensed teacher (English / Language Arts, 5-12th grades)
  • a former state lobbyist (5 years on behalf of Iowa HSAP Professionals)
  • a writer (published twice, but working on upping that number)
Et cetera. Et cetera. Et cetera. Of course, there is so much more that I could write - so many more things that define who I am. But, condensing the entirety of who you are into a brief, bulleted list isn't easy. Go ahead - give it a try yourself! If you really want to know more about me, you can always try my linkedin page, or view my other blog, which is less thematic, but much more personal. However, if what you're interested in is the ins-and-outs of our world as a home schooling family, then THIS is the place for you!

That's right. I'm a home schooling mom. Yes - our kids are allowed out of the house, and they do have friends. No - we do not hate the public schools or the government. And, just so we're clear up front - we probably don't fit into any of the other stereotypical categories that you might have about home schoolers, either. That's kind of what this blog is about - dispelling myths and misunderstandings, ending confusion and conjecture, and showing what life is really like for families like ours.

There will be much more to come in the days and weeks ahead about why we home school, how we home school, what we do in our home school, and even where we home school. (Hint - much of it is done in places other than our home...)  For now, however, I'd like to heartily welcome you to my newest blogging adventure. I hope you'll stop in often. I hope I'll post often. (That last one is probably the more iffy of the two statements...) Feel free to lurk or to linger.And, if you feel so inclined, I'd love to have you join the conversation (including asking questions!) by posting in the comment section below. Thanks for stopping by. I hope to see you here again...

1 comment:

  1. Introductions:)
    My name is Bekki.
    Follower of Jesus since I turned 24 (x amount of years ago)
    Married to my best friend for 23 years this coming Sunday.
    Mom of 5 very busy boys currently ages 7,8,9,14,and 19
    Homeschooler since 1999
    Lover of long, long walks
    Heart for new homeschoolers
    blogger, writer (unpublished but working on that:)


Ooohhh... I love comments and conversation! Seriously. I'd sit you down with some nice, hot tea right now, if I could. Until I figure out how to get the cup and saucer through the screen, however, this will have to suffice. :)